We want to thank all of you for your donations In Memory of:

October 12, 1998 - December 25, 2020

Christian Dane Knudsen

Ravi Domingo

Bette Jo Gorman
August 1, 1939 - February 9, 2024

Norma Maxine Beemer
August 4, 1929 – June 24, 2023

Bob Gerke

Liz & Michael Thornton Tim & Sandy Matts Jean La Fleur Maureen & Walt Katoll Susan Calder Julie Barger Richard Keyser Marisa Lazatin Francis and Silva Battista Heidi Dickerson Norma Gail Russell Kim Hardwick Rick Lupton Neville and Joanna Ray Sudha Sama Christin Casperson Toni & Dave Jennings Susan Hart Julia Hilbun Susan Kittleson Nicole – Eric Plummer Susan & Will Stockman Jill Tetrick John Perry Shelle Grimm Gary and Darcy Hollie Mike and Theresa Magnussen Stacy McCannon Amy Olthouse Lisa & Michael Crisp Karen Ramsey Joan Swanson Margaret Knight Stacie and Jeff Durbin Beth Swanson Kathleen Higgins Joy Roush Rick Strellman Molly Braun Tom and Jill Mounsey Karen Dugan Thompson Family Kathleen Coffman Phyllis Duzenack Eric and Mary Swanson Mishelle Hoffman-Wentz Diane & Michael Mehringer Jon & Janet Edler Craig & Kim Pharus Bruce & Lisa Seaba Russel and Jeanine Gerke Susan Gerke Rakesh Joshee Sharon and Neil Armann Marsha Ashurst Phil & Susan Aaronson Mike & Patty Denton Lars Knudsen & Lise Shdo Karen & Mark Salmon Todd Meldahl Nancy Griese John Dolin Phil Keane Susan Campbell Holly Campbell Leslie Chambers Becky Anderson Catherine Krane
Program Efficacy:
Over our 10-years of treating hundreds of kids we have had 98% come to us with suicidal ideation.
After 1 year of treatment, we see the following results:
Suicidal ideation rate decrease from 98% to 2% (we have never lost one of our kids to suicide)
Grade points go from 1.7 to 3.2
School attendance go up from 58% to 93%
Home and school behaviors improve
To support these exceptionally high-risk youth, RRR uses scientifically proven mental health therapies that are very individualized – one youth, one horse, and one therapist work together to develop skills such as cooperation, trust, building healthy boundaries, and responsibility. All of our professional therapists and facilitators are trained and certified in HEAL, Human Equine Alliances for Learning, which is internationally recognized as a premier model of Equine-Facilitated Psychotherapy and Learning