Dear Friends and Family,
Summer is so much fun! We were busy with kids, horses, wine events and introducing so many new people to Raven Rock and what we do here at the ranch. I did some demonstrations of the therapeutic session with volunteers from the audience, while the other audience members enjoyed their wine as they saw how a non-horse person could actually do it. It is a great way to truly understand how it works. If you haven’t seen it in person, I hope one day you will join us at the ranch for a demonstration.
Summer always includes painting the horses with washable tempera paint.

The statistics show a tremendous decline in our kids’ mental health, as reported by CDC, WSJ and other sources nationwide. The problem gives me pause. If what the schools and mental health community is doing is actually helping, then how could this be? I find it in casual chat at dinner parties, too. Parents are exhausted and many find the children in their own household exhausting to deal with. All of this, while we see the exact opposite from the kids and families we serve.
Oh, the kids arrive with fear, inability, or unwillingness to get along well with their families and peers. Many won’t or can’t attend regular school for a full day. How is it we, as a society have come to this? I searched for an answer and found a book titled, Bad therapy: why the kids aren’t growing up, by Abigail Shrier. It is a New York Times bestseller, and it offered some great information. Bottom line is: use common sense.
The kids we get are not seriously disordered kids (those kids are referred) but rather, our kids are depressed, anxious and unhappy. They want to have a reason they are sad, depressed, or anxious. Is everyone clinically depressed? No. Is everyone clinically anxious? No. Often, I am told about a child’s “neural divergence.” But don’t we ALL think a bit differently about things?
At Raven Rock, we practice Post Traumatic Growth therapy- acknowledging that, indeed, you may have suffered a loss, a frightening experience or some very big upset. But you have gained something because of it. Let’s concentrate on the good qualities you have now. Our underlying goal is mental resilience and emotional regulation. And horses are perfect for this work.

One young man had been in an accident involving a car and his bicycle. At the same
time, his parents were going through a rather lengthy and frightening (for him) divorce. His body has now healed. He has had many surgeries to alleviate pain. At this point, there is not a good medical reason why the pain persists. We are unpacking all of the mind/body interplay going on here. It will take a while, but I see lots of improvement as he gains his self-awareness and the skill of controlling his thoughts. His beautiful mare, Roo, is moving him away from staying in the pain. She, too, had been through a lot of pain before she arrived. That shared empathy is so healing for both horse and human.
My last request to all of our friends and family who really believe in what we are doing to help restore the mental health in our world, is to make a special effort to attend our EASTSIDE LIGHTS fundraising dinner and presentation.
This year, we won’t be having an auction. Matt and Zoie Loso have GRACIOUSLY donated their winery and wine for the evening, THANK YOU! It will be a fun night of wonderful wine, dinner and speakers who will attest to our efficacy. We have so much more to do! Our reach has to grow and so our facility as well as our Facilitators must reach so many more people. We can only do that if you are willing to stand with us, shoulder to shoulder, sleeves rolled up, ready to help the next generation of leaders to reach their full potential. It starts with all of us so join in with Matt and Zoie and please come!
WHAT: Raven Rock Ranch’s Eastside Lights Fundraiser Dinner
WHERE: Winemakers Reserve Winery
15902 Woodinville Redmond Rd NE Ste D
Woodinville, WA 98072
WHEN: November 14, 2024, 5:00 PM-7:00PM
COST: come as our guest
All of our love to all of you! Let’s be a light in the darkness!